Avoid These 5 Bad Habits to Get the Most of Your Dentures
February 25, 2023

Whether you need to just replace several teeth or an entire arch, dentures are a wonderful option for restoring your pearly whites. They can return the confidence that comes with a complete and natural-looking smile, as well as your bite power. You can also count on your prosthetic to last up to 10 years or more. But just like regular teeth, they can be affected by bad oral habits. You want to ensure that your dentures stay in great condition so they can last as long as possible. Here are five harmful denture habits to avoid so your smile can stay whole and happy for years to come!
(more…)Is Completing Your Smile with Dental Implants Safe?
February 4, 2023

Dental implants are considered the gold standard of tooth-loss solutions. In addition to being incredibly lifelike, they are also a long-lasting option for missing teeth. Their reliability comes from the fact that they replace the entire tooth structure, from root to crown. But exactly how safe are they? Your dentist in Denton has what you need to know about securely restoring your smile with dental implants!