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How To Make Your Dental Visit More Efficient

September 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — aguilardental @ 3:57 pm
A woman looking at watch.

You lead a busy life, so naturally you want to make the most of your free time. That’s why when it comes to your dental appointment, it makes sense to be as efficient as possible. That way you can get in and get out and back to your day without spending any unnecessary time that could take away from your regular schedule. If you’re heading to an appointment soon, here are some tips for helping to make your visit as smooth as possible so you can return to your routine in record time!

Keep it Clean

When your dental team cleans your teeth, their goal is to remove tartar and buildup that could cause cavities and gum disease, not your lunch. Thus, be sure to brush your teeth before you head in, so your technician doesn’t need to spend extra time cleaning your meal away and can get right to the buildup.

Be Honest

Your dental team can usually tell if you’re not being completely truthful about your oral hygiene, but honestly is always the best policy. Remember, they are there to help you, not shame you, so if you haven’t been as diligent as you should be with your teeth and gums, fess up so they know what areas you may need assistance with!

Be Considerate

Remember that you are likely not the only patient being treated during your time slot. Thus, if you must bring along a guest to your appointment, be sure they are quiet and respectful and do not disturb others.  If you have children with you, ask that they remain seated. If your child is too young to do this, you may want to consider bringing along another adult to watch them, or scheduling someone to watch them at home so you can relax and focus on yourself.

Give Proper Notice

Things come up, and occasionally you may need to reschedule your appointment. If this occurs, be sure to give at least 24 hours’ notice if possible. If not, call as soon as you can.

Furthermore, if you are running behind schedule, do call and give your dentist a heads-up that you will be late. You may still arrive within the grace period, or you may need to reschedule for another day or time.  Save yourself some frustration by notifying them so they can spare you a wasted trip if you arrive too late to be seen.

Remember, it’s normal to have a packed schedule, so looking for ways to save time here and there is understandable. If you’re looking to make your next trip to the dentist more efficient, try these time-saving tips and you’ll be on your way!

About Dr. Aguilar

Dr. Jonathan Aguilar has always been interested in dentistry. He loves that it combines his passions for artistry, science, and working with his hands. This passion translates into every patient interaction he has, whether he’s completing an exam or applying a new set of veneers.

To schedule an appointment at Aguilar Family Dentistry, please visit our website or call us today at 940-566-5332.

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